Tuition, fees, discounts, payment schedule - click here.
To view some of our FAQs - click here.

To apply to NAPA Music Festival, please click here.


To apply for the Napa Music Festival Composer Workshop, please click on the link below:

Napa Composers Workshop - Click here to apply



Auditions are by online video submission only through YAP Tracker's online submission process. Please contact Festival administraion if you are having trouble submitting your video.

If you are auditioning for more than one program, you may include up to two (2) additional selections to fulfill all audition requirements, to a maximum of five (5) pieces. Please select repertoire that demonstrates the full range of your technical and dramatic abilities. All selections should be sung from memory unless otherwise stated.

At the beginning of your video, please announce your name, the program(s) for which you are auditioning, and the name and composer of each piece.

Absolute Artist Program
Three (3) contrasting art songs or arias
- One must be in English.
- One must be in French.

Baroque Opera Boot Camp
Three (3) contrasting baroque pieces composed between 1600 and 1750
- One must be an opera aria in Italian. (Handel or Vivaldi preferred)
- One must be a J.S. Bach cantata aria in German. (May be sung “on book”)
- One selection should demonstrate coloratura facility.
- One selection should demonstrate ability to sing legato.

Vocal Technique Intensive Program
Three (3) contrasting art songs or arias.

Cabaret Conservatory
Three (3) contrasting cabaret, jazz, or musical theater songs

Napa Teen Vocal Track
Two (2) contrasting pieces from any vocal genre, or combination of genres (classical, musical theater, jazz, pop, folk, country, etc.)


Dates, faculty and program offerings subject to change without notice.